Title: New heart DSS for concrete batching plant
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Video: Introduction new mixing machine for your batching plant!
New heart for your concrete batching plant
"DSS" - double - spiral-snail mixer
patent č. 200810071636.x ; 200820145336,7
"DSS" mixer and its unique design affirm a formula:
"a brilliant product is a functional product with simple design and with high efficiency".
"DSS" mixer substitutes fully commonly used types of mixers.
"DSS" mixer features the maximum efficiency of mixing process also for the high-quality concrete and mortar mixtures.
Two-years continuous trial operation and actual experiences of concrete plants installations indicate that innovation technology and design of the "DSS" mixer quarantee:
Favourable price:
"DSS" mixer price is surprisingly lower in comparing with the prices of common used twin-shaft mixers.
The product line includes DAP double-axis-paddles mixer series, DAS double-axis-snail mixer series and DSS double-spiral-snail mixer series. Every single mixer is capable of establishing concrete mixing station (plants) of 50-300m3/hod. The product is applicable for concrete mixing in highspeed railway, roads, bridges, water-power engineering, airports, urban construction etc.
The products are patented!
Detailed picture:
Tel.: +420 777764602
E-mail: info@kcppump.eu